Press Release
December 26, 2024
December 10, 2024
On Tuesday, December 10, the Southside Public Water Authority Board of Directors completed several items of business during their regular board meeting. 2025 budgets consisting of $3,403,778.00 for water operations, and $803,699.00 for wastewater operations were adopted. The board learned that positions 1, 3, and 6 currently held by Tim Thomas, Rick Siler, and Carolyn Hopping respectively will be up for election at the Authority’s Annual meeting February 11, 2025. Article III, Paragraph IV of the Authority’s policy and procedures handbook states that a person wishing to be elected to the Board of Directors make their intent known at least 35 days prior to the Annual Meeting by filing a form at the Authority’s business office specifying the position they intend to run for. Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. will be the deadline for filing. Mr. Thomas, Mr. Siler, and Mrs. Hopping have filed for reelection to their respective board positions. Act 605 of 2021 does require all new board members to complete eight hours of training within one year of being elected.
In other business, the Directors reviewed the November water and wastewater financial reports as well as a System Total report.